Tuesday, December 2, 2014

GMH Institute

Sekolah Bisnis , Motivasi dan Pembentukkan Karakter.

Kami hadir untuk membuka jalur cepat mencapai tingkat kesuksesan dan keberlimpahan harta serta kasih sayang melalui aktivasi gelombang Spirit dan dan gelombang Spiritual.

Metode Pembelajaran yang digunakan adalah BYSAID, metode yang secara khusus membuka kekuatan dahsyat bangkitnya Energi diri, bangkitnya kekuatan kata kata dan pikiran.

Materi yang diajarkan:
A. Pembangkitan Kecerdasan
1. Thinking (berpikir)
2. Sensing (Inderawi)
3. Felling ( Perasaan)
4. Intuition ( Indera ke 6)
5. Instinct ( indera ke 7).

B. Aktivasi Energi Sukses
1. Desire. Hasrat yang besar.
2. Potensi. Kemampuan Terbaik
3. Dedication. Semangat Kepedulian
4. Courage. Keberanian yg Positif
5. Work. Usaha dan Kerja Keras
6. Determination. Kebulatan tekad
7. Concentration. Konsentrasi dan Fokus.
8. Visualitation. Penggambaran konsep
9. Perspektif. Meletakan Nilai
10. Champion. Mental pemenang.

C. Penguatan Area Bawah Sadar
1. Atitude. Sikap
2. Behavior. Perilaku
3. Mindset. Ploa pikir.

D. Pemurnian dan Penguatan Karakter
1. Pikiran
2. Perasaan

E. Keahlian Penunjang
1. Meguasai Hypnosis
2. Ilmu komunikasi Hati
3. Metafisika

*Pembelajaran selama 10 kali Pertemuan.
*Biaya Pengajaran 9 jt.
*Diajarkan langsung oleh GMH KG SUATMA YASA SH. CH. CHt.MNNLP
(GURU MANGKU HIPNO). Motivator Universal, Pakar Metafisika Prana Hypnosis. Pakar Power Human Energi (PHE) dan Neuro Coditioning Dinamic (NCD),Pendiri GMH Institute, Pendiri Brahmakunta Supranatural & Spiritual Modern Center. Pendiri Brahmakunta Prana dan Hypnosis Club. Pendiri Heado Theta Profesional Healing. Pencerah Spiritual dan Pengembangan Karakter diri. dan Pendiri Pusat pengajaran Prana, Hypnotherapy, Kecerdasan dan Revolusi Mental.

*Untuk Info lengkap hub. Center Brahmakunta Perumahan Gunung Sari Indah, Jl Tukad Buana 1 no 61 Keboiwa Utara Denpasar Bali.
ph. 0361 7112404. 0361 8442823
pin bb. 7FB6ED85
fb. Guru Mangku Hipno.

Selamat Bergabung .


Matur suksma
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Om

Best regards,
Gede Sastra

+6281558812345 •
03612183183 • 081-2939-12345

Mr. i Gede Putu Sastrawan
CV. Sastra Bali
Gunung Batukaru, Br. Penganggahan
Ds. Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Indonesia


Sent from my Heart®
powered by GOD

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Doa kepada Durga

Krishna Minta Arjuna Memuja Dewi Durga
"Oh engkau yang berlengan perkasa. Kumandangkan sebelum pertempuran lagu pujian kepada Dewi Durga. Itu harus dilakukan agar mendapatkan berkah mengalahkan musuh-musuh."
- demikian Arjuna disapa sebelum pertempuran oleh Vasudeva yang dilengkapi kecerdasan tinggi.
Putra Pritha, Arjuna itu, turun dari keretanya. Dia mengucapkan lagu pujian berikut ini dengan tangan tercakup secara khusyuk.
Doa kepada Durga
Arjuna berkata, "hamba menunduk hormat kepada paduka, oh Dewi Durga, pemimpin para yogini. Oh paduka yang identik dengan Brahma. Oh paduka yang bermukim di hutan Mandara. Oh paduka yang bebas dari ketuaan dan kerusakan. Oh Mahakali, oh istri dari Kapala. Oh paduka yang corak warnanya hitam dan merah kekuning-kuningan. Hamba menunduk hormat kepada paduka Dewi Durga. Oh pembawa manfaat bagi pemuja-pemujamu. Hamba menunduk hormat kepada paduka. Oh Mahakali istri dari penghancur massal. Hamba menunduk hormat kepada paduka. Oh Durga penyelamat dari bahaya-bahaya. Oh paduka yang dilengkapi setiap tanda keberuntungan. Oh paduka yang muncul di keluarga Kata. Oh paduka yang berhak atas persembahan paling berharga. Oh paduka yang dashyat, oh pemberi kemenangan. Oh kemenangan itu sendiri. Oh engkau yang menahan sebuah bendera dari bulu burung merak. Oh paduka yang dihiasi setiap perhiasan. Oh paduka yang menahan tombak dashyat. Oh paduka yang memegang sebuah pedang dan perisai. Oh paduka saudara perempuan lebih muda dari kepala penggembala sapi. Oh paduka yang paling tua. Oh paduka yang lahir penggembala sapi, Nanda. Oh paduka yang selalu sayang kepada darah sapi. Oh paduka yang lahir di keluarga Kusika. Oh paduka yang memakai jubah warna kuning. Oh paduka yang pernah memangsa para asura dengan mengubah wajah, menjadi seekor serigala. Hamba menunduk hormat kepada paduka yang sangat senang akan pertempuran !
Oh Uma, Sakambhari, paduka yang memiliki corak warna kulit putih. Oh paduka yang corak warnanya hitam. Oh paduka yang telah membantai Asura Kaitabha. Oh paduka yang memiliki mata kuning. Oh paduka yang memiliki mata bermacam-macam. Oh paduka yang matanya berwarna asap. Hamba menunduk hormat kepada paduka. Oh paduka yang adalah Veda, Sruti, dan kebajikan tertinggi. Oh paduka yang tepat bagi para brahmana yang taat dalam upacara kurban. Oh paduka yang memiliki sebuah pengetahuan tentang masa lalu. Paduka yang sekarang ini hadir dalam tempat tinggal suci yang didirikan untuk paduka di kota Jamvudwipa. Hamba menunduk hormat kepada paduka. Paduka adalah ilmu pengetahuan Brahma diantara ilmu-ilmu pengetahuan. Paduka adalah makhluk yang tidak tidur, dari mana tidak ada yang bangun.
Oh ibundanya Skanda. Oh paduka yang memiliki enam sifat/atribut tertinggi. Oh Ibu Durga, oh paduka yang tinggal di daerah-daerah yang dapat ditembus. Paduka digambarkan sebagai Swaha, Swadha, Kala, Kashta, dan Saraswati, sebagai Savitra, ibundanya Veda-veda, dan sebagai ilmu pengetahuan Vedanta. Dengan jiwa paling dalam yang telah tersuci. Hamba memuja paduka.
Oh Dewi agung, Durga. Biarlah kemenangan selalu mengikuti kami melalui kemurahan harimu di medan pertempuran. Di daerah - daerah yang sulit ditembus. Disana ada ketakutan, di tempat-tempat sulit itu. Di tempat-tempat tinggal para pemuja paduka dan di daerah - daerah bawah tanah Patala. Dimana paduka bermukim. Paduka selalu menaklukkan para Danava. Paduka adalah ketidaksadaran, tidur, ilusi, kerendahan hati, kecantikan dari semua makhluk. Paduka adalah Senjakala. Paduka adalah siang hari. Paduka adalah Savitri, dan paduka adalah ibu. Paduka adalah kepuasan. Paduka adalah pertumbuhan, paduka adalah cahaya. Itulah paduka yang mendukung Matahari dan Bulan dan yang membuat mereka bersinar. Paduka adalah kemakmuran dari mereka yang makmur. Para Siddha dan Charana melihat paduka dalam perenungan mereka."

Matur suksma
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Om

Best regards,
Gede Sastra

+6281558812345 •
03612183183 • 081-2939-12345

Mr. i Gede Putu Sastrawan
CV. Sastra Bali
Gunung Batukaru, Br. Penganggahan
Ds. Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Indonesia

Sent from my Heart®
powered by GOD

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Gentleman pictures

Gentleman pictures do fine arts of photography in family gathering, BBQ party, meeting, conference, tours documentation, model shoot, maternity memories, and printings with or without hand-crafted touched-up design. God bless ! Thanks.

Matur suksma
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Om

Best regards,
Gede Sastra

+6281558812345 •
03612183183 • 081-2939-12345

Mr. i Gede Putu Sastrawan
CV. Sastra Bali
Gunung Batukaru, Br. Penganggahan
Ds. Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Indonesia


Sent from my Heart®
powered by GOD

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sewa mini cooper HOT DEAL

Mini Cooper Cabriolet Hot deal !

Harga khusus :
Semua Cabriolet
Mini Red & Blue tahun 2012
= Rp. 3.650.000 (Normal Rp. 3.950.000)

Mini White S tahun 2014
= Rp. 3.950.000 (Normal Rp. 4.650.000)

Alphard 2008 - 2012
= Rp. 1.650.000 (Normal Rp. 1.950.000)

Alphard 2013-Hybrid
= Rp. 1.950.000 (Normal Rp. 2.750.000)

Vellfire 2010-2012
= Rp. 1.950.000 (Normal Rp. 2.950.000)

S-class 500 th. 2012
= Rp. 15.500.000 (Normal Rp. 25.000.000)

Wrangler Rubicon 2013
= Rp. 4.500.000 (Normal Rp. 6.500.000)

Hummer H-2
= Rp. 18.500.000 (Normal Rp. 45.000.000)

Dodge Journey Jeep
= Rp. 4.500.000 (Normal Rp. 5.500.000

Chrysler sedan
= Rp. 7.500.000 (Normal Rp. 11.500.000)

Camry sedan
= Rp. 2.250.000 (Normal Rp. 3.500.000)

Camry Hybrid
= Rp. 3.250.000 (Normal Rp. 4.500.000)

Selamat berwisata !
Harga adalah layanan 10 jam per hari, sudah termasuk : pengemudi dan pertamax plus. Belum termasuk : bea lain-lainnya seperti makan supir, bea tol, parkir, overtime @40% dari harga per jam, overnight (lewat dari Pukul 24.00) @40% dari harga per jam.
Kecuali Mini Cooper adalah harga per 24 jam, self drive, termasuk Pertamax awal, asuransi kecelakaan. Belum asuransi jiwa, kehilangan kendaraan, overtime @30% dari harga per jam, bea parkir pengiriman, bea menunggu (jika ada) @30% dari harga per jam.

Sampai jumpa.
Semoga sehat dan sukses selalu.

Matur suksma
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Om

Best regards,
Gede Sastra
Tour Guide

+6281558812345 • 03612183183 • 081-2939-12345

PT. Ultraviolet Tours Bali

Gunung Batukaru, Br. Penganggahan
Ds. Tengkudak, Kec. Penebel
Tabanan - Indonesia
powered by GOD

Friday, September 19, 2014

Pandawa Beach Villa

Sastra Bali Luxury

2 Bedrooms Beach Front Villas USD 250net/ Villa/ Night
3 Bedrooms Garden Ocean View Villas USD 325net/ Villa/ Night
3 Bedrooms Beach Front Villas USD 380net/ Villa/ Night
FREE AIRPORT pick up service.

Pandawa Beach Villa at Ketewel beach Gianyar.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Seven Stars Luxury Train In Kyushu, Japan

One of the newest luxury trains to debut in Japan is the Seven Stars in Kyushu. This luxury train, which made its first run in October 2013, gets its name from several different aspects of Kyushu. Although its name actually means "nine states," Kyushu has seven prefectures: Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Oita, Miyazaki, Kumamoto, and Kagoshima. The seven stars are also meant to represent the 7 most important aspects of a visit to Kyushu: hot springs, nature, power spots, history & culture, food, the friendliness of its people, and its train system.

Seven Stars in Kyushu has two different travel options. Its longer, 4 days/3 nights trip makes a large circuit around all of Kyushu, includings its most famous hot springs, volcanoes, and urban areas. The 2 days/1 night trip focuses on the northern half of Kyushu, starting in Fukuoka and passing by Oita, Nagasaki, and Mt. Aso. Each of these run weekly, in "sessions" of 2 to 4 months.

Class DF200 type 7000 + Coach for "SEVEN STARS in KYUSHU" In Nippo Line

The train is designed to be the height of luxury travel: to hark back to a time of high class travel and also to push train travel ever forwards. Its suites have a retro feel but offer large windows that offer an expansive view of the countryside. For more details on this special Japanese train, be sure to visit the Seven Stars in Kyushu website.

Tickets for this incredible train journey are very limited, but if you miss this opportunity, creating your own circuit around the beautiful island of Kyushu is easy and accessible with the All Kyushu Regional Pass, the North Kyushu Pass, or the Japan Rail Pass.

The Seven Stars is decorated with various types of wood and fabric. The style is a fusion of Western and Japanese design.

The rear of the lounge car also features a large window for enjoying the scenery as it flows by

There is a bar in the lounge car, as well as couches and rotating chairs for passengers to sit in while enjoying live musical performances

Class DF200 type 7000 + Coach for "SEVEN STARS in KYUSHU" At Kagoshima Sta.



Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Canggu Terrace - Villa Damai 3 bed rooms

Canggu Terrace - Villa Damai

3 Bedroom Villa, Canggu, Bali, Indonesia
from 340 ++ USD/night

Blessed with a dazzling rice terrace view, the three-bedroom Villa Damai at Canggu Terrace offers a true escape on the outskirts of the tranquil village of Tiying Tutul in the Canggu district of southwest Bali. Yet, Villa Damai this out of town location is only 6 kilometers from the beach, 11 kilometers from one of the best golf courses in Asia, and 11 kilometers Villa Damai from the shops, restaurants and nightlife of fashionable Seminyak.  


This elegant, contemporary-styled house is enhanced with comfortable furnishings, gorgeous artwork and cherished antiques, a swimming pool and a children's pool, plus the inclusive services of personal butlers, a security team and a superb chef offering home cooked western and Asian delights, barbeque feasts, and inclusive daily breakfasts.
Designed to maximize the natural light, and catch the cool breezes even at the hottest time of year, the multilevel, white-walled villa offers a blend of air-conditioned comfort and open-air tropical living, with glass doors that slide open to embrace the rice field vista, as well as alfresco balcony-terraces for relaxing and daydreaming while surrounded by mesmerizing rural beauty.
The villa is ideal for families, groups of friends, or for larger groups when rented in conjunction with one or both of the villas next door – a trio collectively known as Canggu Terrace. The three villas are linked by doors in the garden walls, offering guests the choice of a two, three, five, six or eight-bedroom renting option. When two villas are rented by the same group at the same time, a car and driver is provided inclusive of cost. Two complimentary cars and drivers are provided if all three villas are rented together.

Great news, Canggu Terrace - Villa Damai is available for your selected dates. Please submit the booking request form and we will hold the villa for you, in the meantime your villa specialist will be in contact to finalize the details. No payment is required yet, however your holiday plans have started!


  • Book Your Villa

  • -
  • Thank you Brother / Sister, Sas will back to you ASAP. Look forward.

  • Should be Empty:


  • 2014
Season Period Price per night 14+ nights Min stay Inclusions
Low Season01 Sep 2014 to 18 Dec 2014US$ 340 ++US$ 289 ++2 nights
Peak Season19 Dec 2014 to 08 Jan 2015US$ 580 ++US$ 551 ++7 nights

Last minute bookings, checking in before 21-Sep-2014, enjoy a 10% discount.

Villa Facilities

Jl. Veteran, Buduk, Mengwi, Badung, Bali
6 persons
Living areas
Living/dining pavilion has upstairs living / TV room and indoor dining for 8
6 x 3.5 metre freeform pool in each villa; 3.6 x 1.5 metre freeform kids pool at depth of 60cm
Villa manager; assistant manager; private chef; housekeeping/butlers; security; and driver (when two or more villas are rented). Additional staff (babysitters, masseuses) available on request
Western, Asian, vegetarian and children’s dishes. Requests accommodated (including special diets)
WiFi internet access; mobile phone coverage
Satellite TV (limited channel selection); DVD player; CD player; iPod dock
For children
Canggu Terrace is exceptionally well equipped for families. Facilities include: baby cot; high chair; car seat; DVDs; games. See our Children’s page for more information on children’s facilities
In villa treatments selected from a comprehensive spa menu can be carried out by professional beauty therapists (extra cost applies)
A seven-seater car and driver is available on a complimentary basis for up to 10 hours a day if two villas are booked. If the entire estate is booked then two cars are available. Petrol extra
Additional facilities
Barbecue, back-up generator, safety deposit box in each bedroom
Property area
460sqm (villa) 2,000sqm (land)
Managed by
Elite Havens Villa Management

The Layout
- Tropical-styled dining room with integrated kitchen and table for eight
- Upstairs air-conditioned living room with 42-inch satellite-channel TV, DVD player, iPod dock, and Bose audio system
- Natural breezes flow through sliding glass doors
- Glorious rural views
- Freeform 8-metre swimming pool overflows into shallow kids' pool on lower level
- Stone pool deck furnished with sunloungers and umbrellas
- Lawn on lower level (great for barbeques) with river below and rice terraces beyond

The Rooms
- Positioned poolside and furnished with queen bed, built-in wardrobes and dressing table
- Equipped with air-conditioning, 31-inch satellite-channel TV, DVD player, and safe
- Private terrace with magnificent view
- Huge air-conditioned bathroom with freestanding bathtub and walk-in rainshower
- Additional outdoor shower under a pergola roof
- Gorgeous rice terrace view
- 31-inch satellite channel TV, DVD player and safe in each room
- Air-conditioned, ensuite bathrooms with walk-in rainshowers
- Queen-size or twin-bedded option
- All but one guestroom has private balcony or terrace
- Gorgeous rice terrace views



Canggu Terrace is located in the picturesque rural countryside of its namesake Canggu. In the immediate vicinity a smattering of other villas and residential homes are spaced out along a quiet road that winds between rice fields and villages. A walk or cycle ride around here will grant a taste of genuine Balinese village life. A fifteen-minute drive from the villa takes you to Pererenan’s rugged beach – famous among surfers for its powerful breaks – and the more popular Echo Beach, with its string of chilled-out cafés and restaurants. There are no shops nearby apart from a few small local stores selling only the very basics, but Seminyak, with its selection of top Bali restaurants, shops and bars is only a 20-minute drive away.


Pererenan Beach
5.0 km

Echo Beach
6.0 km

Nirwana Bali Golf Club
7.0 km

Tanah Lot Sea Temple
7.0 km

11.0 km

16.0 km

Denpasar Airport
31.0 km

33.0 km

Eshara I Villa Seminyak 3 Bed rooms

Eshara I
3 Bedroom Villa, Seminyak, Bali, Indonesia
from 535 ++ USD/night 

Hidden from view along a quiet side street, equidistant from Seminyak's buzzy boutique-and-restaurant-packed 'Eat Street' and the expansive Petitenget Beach, is the city-slick, three-bedroom Villa Eshara I

This single-storey property is totally private and self-contained with its own beautifully carved entrance, a living and dining room with integrated kitchen, garden and 12-metre swimming pool flanked by towering coconut palms, fire bowls, and a timber pool deck. Although the architectural materials are natural and neutral – characterized by soaring roofs and an abundance of glass – the villa's décor and furnishings are colorful, eclectic and sumptuous. From the shimmering Swarovski crystal chandeliers that illuminate the solid wood dining table for 12, to the cowhide chairs, sinuous sofas, vivid artwork, humdinger sculptures and ethnic artefacts, Villa Eshara's interiors are the epitome of sleek designer-chic and pared-back luxe. Bedrooms continue the cool and contemporary concept, presenting king-size beds, dressing areas and wall-mounted TVs.

Light bounces from the mirrored walls of the marble-enhanced ensuite bathrooms, two of which have bathtubs and indoor monsoon showers, while the third bedroom has two showers offering an indoor and outdoor option.

Comfort, slick service and up-to-the-minute facilities are par for the course at this private pleasure pad. Personal butlers, an in-house chef, modern audio-visual equipment and iPod docks, in-villa spa treatments, complimentary WiFi, and a menu of tasty Asian and European cuisine will entice guests with an engaging blend of sensual delights.

Finally, large groups will be happy to learn that Eshara I is one of a group of three villas that can be mixed, matched, united or divided to provide anything from a two-bedroom to an eight-bedroom renting option, all connected by an innovative system of retractable garden walls.

Call Sastra Bali via +62 81-5588-12345 | 081-2939-12345 | 0361-2183-183 | SastraBali@hotmail.com; UltravioletTours@yahoo.com | http://UltravioletToursBali.com


Season Period Price per night 14+ nights Min stay Inclusions
Low Season09 Jan 2015 to 02 Apr 2015US$ 535 ++US$ 455 ++2 nights
High Season03 Apr 2015 to 10 Apr 2015US$ 605 ++US$ 545 ++5 nights
Low Season11 Apr 2015 to 15 Jun 2015US$ 535 ++US$ 455 ++2 nights
High Season16 Jun 2015 to 31 Aug 2015US$ 605 ++US$ 545 ++5 nights
Low Season01 Sep 2015 to 18 Dec 2015US$ 535 ++US$ 455 ++2 nights
Peak Season19 Dec 2015 to 08 Jan 2016US$ 765 ++US$ 727 ++7 nights

Last minute bookings, checking in before 21-Sep-2014, enjoy a 10% discount.

Villa Facilities

Seminyak, Bali
6 people (3 ensuite bedrooms: 2 with king beds and 1 with twin beds convertible to a king)
Living areas
Large open-plan living and dining room with table for 12; pool deck with sun loungers and two-seater sofa
12 x 5 metres. Including pool fence
Full-time villa manager; full-time chef; butlers; garden/pool maintenance; security. Babysitters and masseuses available on request (extra cost applies)
Western, Asian, vegetarian and children’s dishes. Requests accommodated (including special diets)
WiFi internet access; landline for local calls; mobile phone coverage
Satellite TV; DVD player; CD player (thru DVD Player) in all bedrooms
For children        
Children’s facilities at Villa Eshara include a baby cot and high chair
In villa treatments selected from a comprehensive spa menu can be carried out by professional beauty therapists by the pool or in the privacy of your own room (extra cost applies)
Villa Eshara’s central Seminyak location means that many attractions are within easy walking distance. If additional transport is required, don’t hesitate to ask Sastra Bali +62-81-2939-12345 to call one of the island’s safe and reasonably priced metered taxis, or to organize day or half-day car and driver hire for sightseeing. The villa also has six scooters for rental (extra cost applies)
Additional facilities
Barbecue; diesel powered back-up generator; safety deposit box

The Layout
Indoor Living
- Massive living and dining space with hardwood floors and a soaring ceiling
- Tasteful, elegant and bright with a wall of glass doors
- Cooled by ceiling fans and furnished with a long wooden dining table for 12
- Huge comfortable sofas
- Open-plan kitchen equipped for guest use
Outdoor Living
- 12-metre swimming pool surrounded by a wooden deck topped with loungers, sofas and sunshades,
- Tropical garden with coconut palms, frangipanis and flowering plants

The Rooms
- Bright master bedroom with large sliding glass doors, hardwood floors and high ceiling
- Furnished with a king-size bed
- Ensuite bathroom with large tub and wall of glass looking out to stone figurine fountains
- Guestroom One is twin-bedded room (converts to a king) and perfect for kids.
- Zen-like pebble garden bordered with bamboo
- Deep soaking tub in marble ensuite bathroom
- Guestroom Two, decorated in natural earth tones. looks out across to the pool
- King-size bed under a high wooden ceiling
- Elegant ensuite bathroom with the option of indoor and outdoor showers


Villa Atas Ombak
Seminyak, Bali
1,950-2,900++ USD/night 


Hidden down a quiet lane, equidistant from Seminyak’s famous ‘Eat Street’ and the expansive Petitenget Beach, Villa Eshara is just 300 meters away from a staggering array of hedonistic pleasures. From designer boutiques and day spas to beach bars, fine dining restaurants, cheap and cheerful cafes, and pulsating nightspots, good times are never much more than a moment away. Taxis continually cruise along the main thoroughfare, which is also where guests will find two tourist markets selling leisurewear, bags and accessories, a pedestrianized shopping center, ATMs, a deli, and several convenience stores.


Petitenget Beach
0.3 km

0.3 km

Seminyak Square
0.8 km

8.0 km

Echo Beach, Canggu
11.0 km

Denpasar Airport
12.0 km

Tanah Lot Sea Temple
16.5 km

Nirwana Bali Golf Club
17.0 km

34.0 km

"A very beautiful villa with a great location & staff. Great value . Compliments."